Being wealthy isn't about the money you earn, it's about the money you already have. Please tell me about your financial situation. Then let me tell you how you fit into the image of American wealth.
The main measures of wealth are: Net worth: The total amount of a household's assets (such as its home and savings) minus its liabilities (such as mortgages and student loans).
Auto text for overall net worth will appear here
The middle half of Americans have a net worth between $27,000 and $659,000. About 8% of households have negative net worth (more debt than they own), and about 1 in 10 people have more than $2 million in their assets.
So what is considered wealthy? It depends on who you ask.
The word “rich” does not have a clear definition. Wealth thresholds for terms such as “Top High Net Worth” and “High Net Worth” range from $770,800 to more than $2 million.
your household net worth not satisfied Any definition of rich.
This is what it looks like compared to the country as a whole. But how do households like yours stack up?

How to compare your wealth to your peers
Most people have a low net worth when they are young and accumulate wealth until retirement. spend it then Please lower it. Households with people with college degrees tend to be better off, as do households with spouses or partners living together.
[Not Rich? Take this quiz to see how to build your wealth.]
Please tell us more about yourself to see how you compare to others like you.
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What is your household net worth? higher than about NaN percent households like youIf the head of the household is elderly 50-64, have a university degree and live with a spouse or partner.
Enter information about yourself to see the racial wealth gap for people like you.
Research shows that blacks and Hispanics have lower incomes; unlikely to receive family-like provide financial support and investment stock market. The persistent black-white wealth gap also has its roots in slavery, and it became so extreme that researchers believe it would be nearly impossible to close even with equal economic opportunity since then. It is estimated that this is the case.

How your income fits in
Like wealth, income tends to increase with age and then decline after retirement. College graduates also tend to have higher incomes.
[Are you in the American middle class?]
Income and wealth often go hand in hand, but not always. Early-career surgeons with student debt may have high incomes but low net worth. Nonprofit analysts with family heritage may be at the other end of the spectrum.
Tell us your income and we'll tell you how your income and assets match up and how it compares to others.
What is your annual household income?
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Percentage of households like you in each wealth and income group

components of wealth
makeup The wealth of a wealthy family is not the same as the wealth of a poor family. And it's important for economic stability and opportunity.
Automatic text for asset comparisons will appear here
Tell us more about your assets and see how they compare to others like you.
Average percentage of assets held by each wealthy class
The wealthier a household is, the more likely its assets are producing money.
People at the bottom hold most of their wealth in cars and cash that almost always depreciates in value over time, making them buy less as prices rise.
Homeownership is an iconic part of American middle-class life and the greatest asset for middle-class Americans. Homeownership is also a way for most Americans to build wealth, as most homes increase in value over time.
However, homeownership does not guarantee financial security. For about half of middle-class Americans, mortgages are the largest source of debt, and the value of a home can only be used up if it is sold.
America's wealthiest people hold their wealth in investments, businesses, and other real estate on top of their homes. These assets can increase the wealth you already have.

How do the richest Americans compare?
The typical net worth of an American family increased at a record pace from 2019 to 2022, and the increase was shared by nearly every economic and demographic group in the country.
However, more than one-third of personal wealth in the United States remains concentrated in the wealthiest 1 percent of households, and personal net worth has reached elusive levels.
The difference in wealth between the 25th and 75th percentiles is large, but the difference is small when comparing the richest people Americans to others.
Your net worth falls in the NaN percentile of wealth. The net worth of Americans across the wealth spectrum is:
Visual comparison of household net worth at the 25th percentile ($27,000), 50th percentile ($193,000), 75th percentile ($659,000), and 99.9th percentile ($62 million)