South Korea's super wealthy is a thrilling new series from Netflix that takes viewers into the ultra-luxurious lives of the world's richest people living in the heart of South Korea. The show is a dazzling exploration of luxury, combining the glamor of Singapore's millionaires, the glamor of the Arab world's Kardashians, the elegance of Pakistani royalty, and the chic of Italian fashion icons, all tied to a love of Korean culture. is.
Experience the luxury that characterizes the lives of the elite. From Singapore's wealthy David to South Korea's Hee-ra, who looks like Paris Hilton. Royal Anna of Pakistan. Teodoro is a genius in the Italian fashion world. And Nour, the Arab world's social media sensation with 50 million followers, has all chosen South Korea as her luxury playground.
South Korea's super wealthy It reveals a world where luxury cars and haute couture are common sights and expensive parties are the norm. This is a deep dive into a lifestyle that combines wealth and Korean cultural sensibilities.
Hosted by the fashion-savvy Cho Se-ho, the charismatic BamBam, and trendsetting Mimi from Oh My Girl, and directed by acclaimed PD Yoo Eun-hyuk, the show offers a stylish insight into luxury. We promise you a powerful perspective.
Coming to Netflix from April this year, South Korea's super wealthy Would you like to take a peek into the hidden and fascinating lives of South Korea's super-wealthy people? Get ready for an enchanting journey to the pinnacle of Korean luxury and style!