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Millions of Christians around the world will mark the beginning of a momentous period on February 14, 2024.
That's because in the Western Christian church, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent.
During Lent, many people decide to give up the things they love, such as chocolate, sweets, and even social media.
Others may decide to adopt Up This could mean helping out more with chores around the house or trying to do good things for family and friends.
This year's Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14th and continues until Easter Sunday, March 31st.
What is Lent?
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Lent is a 40-day period during which many Christians remember the life of Jesus Christ and the events leading up to his death, whose teachings are the foundation of Christianity.
The 40-day period is called Lent, after an Old English word meaning “lengthening.”
This is due to the time of year it occurs, as this is when the days start to get longer as we approach summer.
It is a time of reflection and seeking forgiveness, and it is also a time when Christians prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus with the feast of Easter, which comes at the end of Lent.
What is Ash Wednesday?
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Ash Wednesday is the day after Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day.
Exactly when Ash Wednesday falls each year depends on when Easter takes place, so the date changes.
On Ash Wednesday, many churches hold special services in which the mark of ashes is placed on the foreheads of worshipers, hence the day's name.
Ash is usually made by burning a special cross made of palm wood that was used in the previous year's Palm Sunday church service. Sometimes special oils are mixed in.
How long does Lent last?
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day Lenten season, excluding Sundays, until Easter.
In 2024, Lent begins on February 14th and Easter Sunday falls on March 31st.
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Why do people give up something until Easter Sunday?
Millions of people do this during Lent as a sign of sacrifice and as a test of self-control.
Christians believe this represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ when he prayed in the desert, fasted for 40 days, and then died on the cross.
In the New Testament of the Bible, while Jesus was there, Satan tempted Jesus to turn away from God and worship instead, but Jesus refused. Therefore, people may give up something to test their own self-control.
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Lent ends with Holy Week and leads to Easter Sunday, the most important day in the Christian calendar.
This day commemorates the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross and celebrates his life.
Easter is celebrated by Christians all over the world.
Easter includes special services, meals with family and friends, and depending on the culture, the giving and receiving of Easter eggs.