Nine undersigned international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announcement of the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections held on July 28. This lack of transparency raises serious doubts about the fairness and integrity of the elections and raises widespread doubts about the veracity of the claim that the Venezuelan people have voted for Nicolás Maduro to run for a third term as president. Given this situation, the international community should urge the Venezuelan authorities to immediately ensure and facilitate an independent verification process for the election results.
On July 28, Venezuelans demonstrated an inspiring commitment to democratic principles with mass and peaceful participation in the country's presidential elections, despite an electoral process severely marred by human rights violations and violence. IrregularitiesThis includes the arrests of opposition members, the arbitrary disqualification of opposition candidates, arbitrary restrictions on Venezuelans' ability to vote abroad and on young people, further restricting civil rights space, etc. Venezuelans have the right to elections in which every vote is counted accurately and transparently.
Based on the right of the Venezuelan people to participate in fair elections, the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (National Election CommissionCNE – In Spanish) please take the following action immediately:
- The full tabulation should be made available to all Venezuelans and domestic and international election observers, as required by Venezuelan law. The CNE should publish data by state, municipality, parish, vote center, and polling station, and review the results of the public tabulation for any inconsistencies.
- Complete the legally required election audit and residency verification process with the goal of matching voting records with the data registered in the monitoring reports issued by each polling station. The audit must be public and the process must be verifiable.
“The international community should not recognize the announced results until these conditions are met and the Venezuelan people's right to transparent information about the electoral process is fulfilled. The government, as well as international and regional intergovernmental organizations, should use all diplomatic means to urge the Venezuelan authorities to conduct a fair and transparent vote count that respects the Venezuelan people's right to vote.”Guaranteeing the free expression of the will of voters” And in effect, they are choosing their own political future.
Furthermore, as the only international technical observers accredited by the CNE, the Carter Center and the UN Panel of Electoral Experts need access to all information on the electoral process in order to prepare an impartial report in accordance with the memorandum of understanding agreed between the organizations and the Venezuelan authorities..
If Venezuelan authorities do not ensure a full and transparent accounting of the election results, as required by Venezuelan law, a vital channel for diplomatic negotiations will be lost and there is a risk of renewed regional and international isolation, with potentially dire consequences for Venezuelans at home and abroad.
From July 26th to 29th, local organizations 130 arbitrary arrestsand confirmed and potential cases of unlawful death. harassmentpersecution and criminalization characterized the election campaign.
Finally, we call for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained individuals, respect for due process guarantees, decriminalization of opposition leaders and citizens exercising their right to peaceful protest, and urge full respect for their rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, personal liberty, security, and freedom of movement.
Signed by:
Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF)
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
Centre for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
World Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (GCR2P)
International Commission of Jurists
World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
Human Rights Watch (HRW)