demi moore At the opening of the Dolce & Gabbana exhibition in Milan, Italy, the actress wowed with her bold style in a sheer silver mesh dress adorned with sparkling details. Paired with a black bra and boy shorts underneath, Moore exuded classy glamor while completing the look with sleek black strappy heels. Her minimal makeup and straight hairstyle perfectly complemented her glamorous ensemble.
An exhibition celebrating the creative journey of an Italian fashion icon Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbanafeatures a fascinating display of their iconic designs alongside historic artwork by Italian masters.
Moore's presence among other celebrities shale, Lupita Nyong'o and Naomi Campbell It highlighted the timeless appeal of Dolce & Gabbana's pieces, which continue to fascinate A-list stars and fashion enthusiasts around the world.
Cher was also impressed.
cher and boyfriend alexander edwards They enjoyed a glamorous date night at the opening of the From the Heart to the Hands: Dolce & Gabbana exhibition at Milan's Palazzo Reale, where they showed off their stylish ensembles that turned heads on the red carpet.
The famous singer looked striking in black ripped trousers, boots and a hat, while Edwards looked sharp in a white shirt, black coat and pants.
This exhibition provides insight into the designers' creative process. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, shows how they translate ideas into iconic costumes worn by cultural figures. Rooted in Italian culture, their designs reflect a blend of inspiration and craftsmanship, offering visitors a glimpse into their artistic journey.