On a beautiful, sunny day after Carnival, we filed into Tartan's office to decide what to write about next week. Going into the house, I told myself that I wasn't going to write anything. I didn't have time. It wasn't a time when all writing needed writing and reading needed reading.
But when Forum editor William Karvan suggested the idea of a “Film Forum,'' I couldn't say no. I grabbed my pen (laptop) and sat down. Because I had a great idea. You may be asking yourself about this idea. there is nothing. I had no idea what to write. I sat there, looking out at the green concrete hills of the Steel City, racking my brain for prompts.
That's when the idea of becoming an actor came to me. Celebrities. Household name. You know who I'm referring to: Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sandra Bullock, Adam Sandler. Do I need more names? No, I know.
We should stop casting them.
Sure, you've probably shouted a few profanities at this paper, and perhaps you've even matched it while watching my article wilt under fire. Sho. I don't blame you. But I said what I said, and I won't take it back.
I'm sure you'll say, “I love watching movies with them.” Okay. Everyone thinks so. They are so talented and deserve the lead role. Then again, there are many other talented actors who didn't get the chance to make their screen debut.
I love nothing more than watching a movie when I don't know the lead actor. Casting talented actors that no one has ever heard of in lead roles creates authenticity. It brings something fresh and exciting to the movie.
I don't care how talented an actor is if you've already seen him in billions of movies. You can't help but be drawn into the world created by this movie. Seriously, Daniel Radcliffe almost walked away from Harry Potter because he didn't want to be known as a boy wizard for the rest of his life. (Spoiler alert: He is.)
When we watch a movie with an A-list actor, we're not watching a detective, we're watching the actor play a detective. But when you see actors you don't know, you don't get a chance to exclaim, “I know them!” They take on a role and internalize it. The movie starts to feel like real life. That detective on screen isn't the pirate from the movie you saw last week, nor is he starring as an excruciating love interest for another. They are simply detectives.
As competition in the acting market is fierce, new actors are focusing on this role. This is because the role is meant to leave a lasting impression on the audience. A-list actors have that opportunity several times a year, but actors here are only guaranteed one.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good movie starring fan favorites. Please register! I'm not saying we should stop casting them all together. If they're A-list actors, there's a reason for that. I don't need to talk about their flexibility and breadth as performers. you already know. However, there are some that are very attractive and depict new faces. It brings something unique to the story.