Hagerstown, Md. (April 26, 2024) The Washington County Business and Economic Development Authority is working to support the Washington County business community in light of the opening of a 35-foot waterway in Fort McHenry for shipping. We are proud to announce that.
The U.S. Coast Guard Captain at the Port of Baltimore will begin opening the Fort McHenry Limited Access Channel starting Thursday, April 25th and at 6 a.m. on Monday, April 29th or Tuesday, April 30th for weather-related transits. He declared that. influence. This waterway, like other waterways of similar depth, is clearly marked with illuminated navigational aids and permits passage only at the discretion of the Coast Guard.
“The primary purpose of these four days is to facilitate the smooth departure of ships that have been stuck in the Port of Baltimore since the March 26 incident,” said Jonathan Horowitz, director of the Washington County, Maryland Business and Economic Development Authority. and ensure safe movement.”
After April 29th or April 30th, access to this particular waterway will be suspended until approximately May 10th. Meanwhile, three other temporary channels currently in operation (20-foot, 14-foot, and 11-foot depth channels) will remain available. Civilian vessels are encouraged to utilize these alternative routes to avoid disruption to vessel traffic dependent on the 35-foot-deep channel.
“We understand the importance of the Fort McHenry Limited Access Channel to the local economy and businesses that depend on maritime activity,” said Jonathan Horowitz. “Our team is here to provide guidance and support to ensure businesses take advantage of the opportunities presented by the opening of this channel.”
The Washington County Department of Business and Economic Development encourages businesses to seek assistance and guidance as they adapt to the new opportunities created by the opening of the 35-foot channel in Fort McHenry. For further information and assistance, please contact her Brittany Marshall in the Governor's Office. [email protected]; or you can contact Linda Spence, Business Specialist with the Washington County Department of Business and Economic Development. [email protected].
The Department of Business and Economic Development team is committed to promoting economic growth and prosperity in our communities and regions.