This is a question that is on the minds of most Americans as well as other people. Mr. Biden is 81 years old and Mr. Trump is 77. Are they mentally and physically healthy enough to become president? Neither candidate agrees to a comprehensive and transparent assessment of mental health. But their mental state is important, especially now that President Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons. Are they both afraid of getting a D result? And how about being honest with the American people, knowing that they face an uphill election campaign?
At this age, if we're lucky, we both have a life expectancy of about eight years. We won't bet on your chances of staying healthy during that time. Biden is walking stiffly now, and will become more so as time goes on. Trump faces an even bigger problem with obesity. He is a walking model for the number one cause of cardiovascular disease.
How well do they sleep? There's little doubt that Biden sleeps better. He seems to be happily married, which is a big plus. A well-rested man will have more energy to put his political skills to work on the campaign trail.
But does President Trump ever get a good night's sleep? How can anyone believe that he is happily married? He also has to keep one eye on many legal issues and the other eye on financial debts. Our guess is that he's been tossing and turning in bed, which is having a huge negative impact on his overall health.
What are the inner personalities and souls of these two candidates? We are grateful to have studied and worked in the United States for many years and to have lifelong friends here. But why do half the country worship (or put up with) a president who lies, disparages women, tries to buy votes, and cannot accept a fair defeat? We would like to suggest that Trump is in dire need of a psychiatrist, but we also have doubts about half the population of this great democracy. Were there no other candidates found?
Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, said neuropsychological testing of Biden and Trump is needed. This includes a series of 31 tests that can detect dementia and other brain dysfunctions.
What the numbers show is frightening. Between the ages of 65 and 69, 3% of people suffer from dementia. By the age of 90, that percentage increases to a whopping 35%.
An important fact that all of us, including the president, must accept is that getting older is extremely dangerous to the brain and every other part of the body.
But why do Biden and Trump want this top job at their advanced ages, a job so grueling every day given their domestic challenges and the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars? Of course, being the president of a great country is the obvious answer. Additionally, this task comes with a large amount of privileges.
What will voters and the press have to accept? They need to realize that Biden and Trump will continue to make old man gaffes in interviews and speeches. Other age-related problems should also be anticipated.
Trump's family history should also raise concerns. His father suffered from Alzheimer's disease in his mid-80s. Experts say President Trump's chances of contracting the disease increase by about 39 percent. And both candidates need to pay close attention to losing the election. From age 65 to age 84, it is the second leading cause of injury-related death.
How will this end? We believe medical tragedies occur due to their age. We expect them to choose a healthy and extremely wise Vice President.
Dr. W. Gifford Jones, also known as Ken Walker, is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Harvard Medical School. He can be reached online at his website at or by email at Follow him and his daughter on Instagram @docgif and @diana_gifford_jones.