Jeff Goldblum is one of Hollywood's most respected and talented figures. He has been an important part of the industry for decades, participating in different types of projects and starring in different roles. Through all of this, he has achieved great success and has a very impressive net worth to back this up.
One would expect that with such wealth, the actor would be happy for his children not to have to worry about money. But he doesn't seem like this. Mr. Goldblum recently revealed in his interview that he does not intend to financially support his children once they are older.
Jeff Goldblum drops a bomb for kids
There has been a recent trend in Hollywood of famous and successful celebrities making decisions that don't make their children happy. Many actors and stars have publicly stated that they do not want to leave their wealth to their children for fear that they will refuse to stand on their own two feet. The latest addition to this group appears to be Jeff Goldblum.
He recently Table for two with Bruce Bozzi On the podcast, he talked about his children's future plans. The actor has two young sons with Emily Livingston, Charlie, 8, and River, 6, but he has plans in mind for when they grow up.
“'Hey, you have to row the boat yourself.'” said the actor.
Goldblum doesn't seem interested in funding his children once they're older.This is quite interesting considering his net worth is $40 million, according to the richest.
Jeff Goldblum wants to teach kids a lesson
Jeff Goldblum's philosophy behind such a drastic decision seems pretty simple. He wants to teach his own children what it's like to not have everything in his life. He wants them to know that if they want something, he has to get it for themselves, not something inherited from his father.
“Teaching children is an important thing. I'm not going to do it for you. And you don't want me to do it.” the actor said. “You have to find a way to find out what you want and what you need and where that intersects with your love and passion and what you can do. You might have to do it anyway.”
We want actors to understand what they want and find something that will help them overcome their passion and get there. Understand how to create a plan of action to get what you want. If they can't and can't do that, Goldblum hopes it's a lesson for them too.