The Roboverse VR Expo, organised by Manorama Online in Kochi, has been drawing huge crowds since it opened to the public on June 12. Celebrities, youngsters and families have been making a beeline for the event. On Friday, actor Asif Ali visited the venue along with his wife Zama and their children and got a chance to view the exhibits.
Earlier, actors Gokul Suresh, Anarkali Marikal and other members of the 'Gaganachari' team attended the event. Director and actor Basil Joseph also visited the venue with his family. Actors Suraj Venjaramoodu and Poornima Indrajith are expected to be present at the event on Saturday evening.
One of the main attractions is a 15 kg robot dog with 12 knee joint motors. Humanoid, artificial intelligence machines, robot games like Robo War and virtual reality experiences are other highlights of the event. Classes on robotics, career guidance sessions, a section on the history of robots and a robot games zone are other main attractions of the event.
The expo, which will run till Monday, June 17, will be open from 10 am to 10 pm. Manorama Online is organising the expo at the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium in association with Jain University. Technical support for the expo is being provided by Thiruvananthapuram-based Unique World Robotics. Entry is ticketed. For more details, visit, call 9895395225.