Pope Francis met with directors and employees of major companies and banks, urging them to hire the poor and young people.
By Joseph Tulloch
On Saturday morning, Pope Francis met with directors and employees of major companies and banks in the Vatican.
His guests were all members of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, a private environmental network.
The Pope told members that their decisions were crucial because they would “affect thousands of workers” and “affect the fate of the government.”
For this reason, the Pope said he would like to briefly reflect with them on three themes: the environment, the poor and young people.
The Pope urged his guests to put the environment “at the heart”.
Given the climate crisis, “simply complying with national laws, which are moving at too slow a pace, is no longer enough,” he stressed.
In fact, it requires us to “anticipate and innovate” with “courageous, forward-thinking choices” that others can emulate.
“Today's entrepreneurial innovation must, above all, be innovation that cares for our common home,” the Pope stressed.
But the Pope said it was equally important “not to forget the poorest and the abandoned”.
Pope Francis warned against “a kind of 'meritocracy'” that he said is used to justify the exclusion of poor people deemed unworthy.
He also criticised the idea that “a little charity” would be considered enough.
“The challenge is to include the poor in business and turn them into a resource for the benefit of all. I dream of a world in which the abandoned can become agents of change,” the Pope said.
young person
Finally, the Pope urged his guests to pay attention to the suffering of young people, who are often “lacking in resources, opportunities and a future.”
“Every job can only be learned by doing,” he said, encouraging young people to be hired even if they do not have the necessary experience or skills.
“Be generous,” the Pope urged, telling young people to “give a glimpse of the future so that an entire generation does not lose hope.”
Pope Francis concluded his speech by praying that God would help the guests to embrace their responsibilities and make “courageous choices.”
“Thank you for your efforts,” he said. “You are pioneers. Don't get discouraged, continue to be pioneers.”