Former Disney star Vanessa Hudgens dated actor Austin Butler from 2011 to 2019. While her style was impeccable during that time (who can forget her iconic Coachella days?), after the pair split, Hudgens decided to take her fashion to the next level. Instead of classic red carpet gowns, the star loved to experiment with funky cuts and unconventional fashion pieces. Though she has always been a fashionista, Hudgens' style is now more mysterious and edgy than ever before. In 2016, she wore goth/bohemian-inspired outfits with lots of layers and accessories, but since 2019, Hudgens has adopted a more dramatic approach to fashion. Now, she combines multiple statement pieces to create looks that not many can pull off. Bold red pieces, wearing lingerie as clothing, and mixing patterns and textures are staples for the star.
In fact, in 2022, Hudgens made a comeback thanks to her fashion choices as host of the MTV Movie & TV Awards, where she showcased her love for fun, colorful looks. Speaking to Extra magazine, the star admitted that fashion has always played a big role in her life. “I've always loved fashion,” she enthused. “I think it's a great way to express yourself and I've been really lucky to have had such great connections with so many different designers.”