As the release of Ranbir Kapoor's Brahmastra approached, S.S. Rajamouli came forward to promote the film, releasing a promo video showcasing Ayan Mukerji's fantasy world. Shah Rukh Khan's cameo also boosted the film's box office success. Prabhas' Kalki 2898 AD had a similar effect, with many celebrities from the Telugu film industry and beyond coming forward to promote the film.
Director SS Rajamouli has also backed Kalki 2898 AD. The director has a cameo in the film, one of the many surprise appearances in the franchise. movieRajamouli also took to Instagram to message Nag Ashwin and wished him success in his ambitions and vision.
Earlier, Chiranjeevi congratulated the makers of Kalki and Nag Ashwin for their incredible work on the sci-fi thriller. He tweeted, “Hearing fantastic reports about #Kalki2898AD! Kudos to the creative Nag Ashwin for creating this mythological sci-fi futuristic film with a stellar cast including @SrBachchan, #Prabhas, @deepikapadukone, @ikamalhaasan.” Heartfelt Congratulations to my favourite producer @AshwiniDuttCh garu, the passionate and courageous @SwapnaDuttCh #PriyankaDutt and the entire team on this achievement. Let's keep dreaming and fly the flag of Indian Cinema even higher!”
Even Ram Gopal Varma Who his caustic Being a smart guy, he came out in support of Nag Ashwin. Apart from his cameo appearances, Also, He tweeted: “@nagashwin7, you Ambition and imagination. @srbachchan 100 pcs It's many times more dynamic than ever before, and Prabhas appears in a way we've never seen before. And I'd like to thank him for giving me the opportunity to make my acting debut.”
Support has also come from across the border, with Rakshit Shetty Together Their wives took to Instagram to share pictures of Bhuj, Prabhas' futuristic vehicle from Karaki 2898. Rakshit's wife shared the picture on Instagram and wrote, “From our Bhuj gang. Wishes to the team.” translator “I wish you all the best,” he said.Bhuj was shot in many southern cities, including Chennai, as part of the film's promotions and was a huge success, with fans thronging the venues to get their pictures taken with Bhuj.
The biggest support seems to have come from Vijay Deverakonda, who plays a key role in the film. The actor, who starred alongside Nag Ashwin in Mahanati, is the pillar that holds the film together. movie His fans thronged to get a glimpse of the actor.
Appearance The entire Telugu film industry was united in their efforts to make Kalki 2898 AD a blockbuster and bring Tollywood out of its doldrums, and it seems their efforts have paid off. Kalki 2898 AD grossed Rs 180 crore on its opening day and with growing positive word-of-mouth reviews, it is expected to break several box office records in the coming days.
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First uploaded: 28 Jun 2024 16:13 IST