NASHVILLE, Tenn. – On Monday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and Tennessee Department of Veterans Services Commissioner Tommy Baker announced the launch of the Tennessee Veterans Response Business Program, an initiative designed to recognize Tennessee businesses that have made exceptional contributions to recruiting, hiring and retaining military members, veterans and their families.
“The Tennessee Veterans Ready Business Recognition Program reinforces our state's commitment to being the best place in the nation for veterans to live, work and raise their families,” said Gov. Bill Lee. “This initiative not only honors their service, it also connects Tennessee employers with a highly skilled talent pool, creating economic opportunity across the Volunteer State.”
The program uses a three-tiered system — bronze, silver and gold — to recognize companies based on their level of contributions and support to the veteran community.
“We are very proud to introduce the Tennessee Veterans Serving Business Recognition Program, whose primary goal is to recognize Tennessee businesses that are committed to recruiting, hiring and retaining military members, veterans and their families,” said Chairman Tommy Baker.
Participating companies will enjoy the following benefits:
- Public recognition of your efforts
- Recognition on the Department of Veterans Services website
- Enhancement of employment opportunities
- Demonstrating community involvement
- Access to a skilled workforce with proven leadership experience
The program also promotes public recognition through official certificates, window decals and digital badges, with additional rewards available depending on the level of recognition achieved.
Applications for the Tennessee Veterans Serving Business Certification Program will be accepted from July 1, 2024 through October 1, 2024. Interested businesses can apply at:
Tennessee Department of Veterans Services • WRS Tennessee Tower 13Number Floor •312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. •Nashville, TN 37243 Phone: 615-253-0638 •
For more information, businesses, community groups and chambers of commerce can contact the Tennessee Department of Veterans Services by emailing email address.
About the division
As a trusted advocate, the Tennessee Department of Veterans Services is dedicated to serving veterans and their families with dignity and compassion. The department strives to ensure Tennessee veterans receive the care, support and recognition they have earned in service to our nation. Learn more about the Tennessee Department of Veterans Services here. Veterans.
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