At least 400 people were poisoned in Iran's Gilan province on June 28, the day of the first round of the Iranian presidential election, but there are suspicions that the news was censored by the government.
The Etemad Daily newspaper reported on Monday that a mixture of sewage and drinking water was the cause of the poisoning, but authorities are trying to cover it up.
On June 28, residents of Rezvanshahr visited hospitals and medical centers complaining of nausea, headaches, stomach aches, and other symptoms. Initially, the number of people visiting hospitals was 130, but two days later it reached 400.
The rector of Guilan University of Medical Sciences claimed that the poisoning was caused by water contamination, but the Guilan Water and Sewerage Authority denied this, stressing that there was “no connection between the poisoning and the consumption of water from the water distribution network.”
“My family and I went to the hospital twice with symptoms of stomach pain, diarrhea, weakness and loss of appetite. The poisoning is caused by the drinking water, but I don't understand why the main cause is not being made public,” one resident told Etemad.
In May last year, 333 people were poisoned in Badre city after drinking tap water, and in September 2021, sewage flowed into the drinking water tank in Badre city. Deshe village in the Kurdish Pave County It poisoned most of the residents.
Iran's water crisis It has affected several states and posed major challenges for residents.