On Sunday, Brad Pitt and his girlfriend, Ines de Ramon, made their first public appearance at the British Grand Prix. The actor and 34-year-old jewelry executive were spotted walking hand-in-hand across the race track, wearing summery pastel outfits. They looked perfect together. Pitt's latest movie trailer was also released on the same day. Can you guess what the movie is about? Formula 1, of course.F1 It is scheduled to be released next summer.
Rumors of a romance between the pair first began at a Bono concert in November, but the news of them being together at the Grand Prix cemented the pair as being officially dating – and pretty serious. people The two are living together and have even spoken love words. “Everything has been great since they started living together. It's more than just dating; it's a serious relationship,” the source said, noting that the two have been together for over a year.
It's worth noting, and sources would agree, that while Pitt isn't technically divorced from Angelina Jolie – the two have split the divorce decree and have yet to settle all of the assets that come with the divorce – that he is free to marry someone else. However, it doesn't seem like the actual finalization of the divorce is over just yet. While Jolie and the kids (many of whom take Pitt's last name) are keeping busy, it's fair to say Pitt is clinging to F1 for now.