DJ Gibson is a New York City-based fitness coach who trains clients one-on-one. Based on his years of work in the rehabilitation setting, he has made a name for himself as a mobility specialist who uses calisthenics and kettlebells to help clients achieve their fitness goals.
Like many people in the fitness industry today, he wants to expand his business from the physical space to the online space by offering coaching and programming through an app. But now, and as he expands to more clients and different platforms, Gibson knows he needs to take action to protect his business.
Here, this Strength In Diversity trainer discusses liability policies and how to protect your customers' safety and privacy with Pete Hill, vice president of product at The Hartford Company, which specializes in small business insurance. . For example, Gibson currently trains clients at a variety of small private gyms of his own. Hill explains the importance of ensuring these spaces are safe and knowing what Gibson's and gym owners' responsibilities are in each case. .
From promotions to data liability, check out Hill's other wisdom for helping Gibson grow the online side of their business, while also making sure they understand the business and privacy risks.
Thinking about starting or expanding your business? Hartford has the Small Business Handbook to help you grow your business every step of the way with access to financial, marketing, and other professional information.visit
of strength in diversity program This is an initiative from men's health and women's health It provides trainers from marginalized communities the opportunity to receive instruction from elite fitness experts and gain certifications and knowledge for leaders across the wellness industry. Thank you to our partners at The Hartford, an insurance and investment company, for providing their expertise to trainers like Gibson.