Meghan Markle launched two new products from her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, just hours before Kate Middleton made her royal return at Trooping the Colour. A close friend of Markle's announced a new raspberry-flavored jam for the Duchess of Sussex brand and hinted that she'd also be selling dog biscuits. Shortly after, the internet was abuzz with claims that Meghan was trying to steal attention from Prince Charles. But experts are now clarifying that the business move appeared to be accidental, not done with ill intent, and not meant to cover up anything.
Meghan Markle's product launch was “not done with any malicious intent”
PR expert Lynne Carratt told the Mirror: “We don't think there was any ill intent behind Meghan sending American Riviera Orchard jam and dog biscuits to the couple's close friend Nacho Figueras, the day before His Majesty's Flag Parade and Kate's first public appearance since her cancer treatment.”
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The cancer-stricken Princess of Wales had not made any public appearances since undergoing preventative treatment following her diagnosis, but made her long-awaited return to the royal family on June 15, staying in privacy with her children and Prince William at the Royal Windsor home. Her return was undoubtedly one of the most eagerly anticipated events for royal fans, so many were upset to see Meghan trying to “stay in the shadows”, leading to netizens slamming her for this businesslike behavior.
Meghan Markle has 'no control over product promotion'
However, Carat believes Meghan had nothing to do with this. “She had no control over when Nacho posts and it didn't cast any shadow on anything,” she added. Nacho Figueras, a close friend of Harry's and a polo player who has been a household name among Harry's inner circle since 2007, shared the jam and the new dog biscuits on his Instagram account just hours before the traditional flag ceremony to mark the monarch's birthday. Both products were perfectly presented in rustic jars.
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