Relations between the Philippines and the United States have deteriorated. President Ferdinand Marcos Vice President Sara DuterteA manipulated news report emerged in a post claiming that an ally of the powerful Duterte family had come out on top in a candidate selection survey for the archipelago's next presidential election, scheduled for 2028. Broadcaster ABS-CBN denied the report, while pollster Pulse Asia Research told AFP it had not conducted such a survey.
“only Robin Padilla “This is strong,” one Tagalog TikTok post from June 23, 2024, said.
From actor to senator Robin Padilla is Party buddies Father of the Vice President, former President Rodrigo Duterte.
This video is: The video, which was viewed 200,000 times before being taken down, appeared to show a report from a Philippine broadcaster. ABS-CBN.
The video included footage of Padilla appearing to lead a “2028 Presidential Preference Poll” conducted by Pulse Asia from “June 18-22, 2024.”
The post was shared after Vice President Sara Duterte resigned from President Ferdinand Marcos' cabinet, causing tensions between the two families to escalate into a public rift.
Rodrigo Duterte and Marcos There was a very public feudBoth families are seeking to bolster their rivals' bases and secure key positions ahead of the 2025 midterm elections and the 2028 presidential election.
Marcos and Duterte worked together and won a landslide victory in the May 2022 presidential and vice presidential elections.
Similar posts have been circulating on Facebook here , here and here .
Fabricated reports
Ronald Holmes, chairman of Pulse Asia Research, said his firm did not conduct the survey shared in the social media post.
“We have never conducted a survey in which the senator's name was mentioned as a top candidate. This report is fake,” he told AFP on July 2, 2024.
ABS-CBN News reported separately. A statement posted on social media site X (archive link) called the circulating video “false and fabricated.”
A reverse image search and keyword search revealed the original clip, which was posted to the verified TikTok account of ABS-CBN News on April 5, 2024 (archive link).
The report is actually about a Pulse Asia Research survey conducted between March 6 and 10, 2024, to gauge voter support in the 2028 presidential election.
According to the report, the survey found Senator Raffy Tulfo and Vice President Sara Duterte in a statistical tie for approval ratings.
Padilla was ranked sixth, according to the report.
Below are screenshots comparing the fabricated research findings shared in the circulating post (left) with a frame from the original news report (right).
Local news organizations Inquirer, GMA News and Rappler also reported on the findings (archive links here, here and here).
AFP has previously fact-checked doctored Philippine news reports here, here and here.