In light of controversial injustices around the world, The Channels asked two staff members for their thoughts on whether celebrities should use their platforms to speak out against injustice.
Sophia Stubbins, News Editor
The pressure placed on those with a platform to speak out when certain issues arise can sometimes be unwarranted.
I agree that they should use their media to educate their followers about relevant situations that are happening, but only within their comfort zone. I think we, as a society, forget that celebrities and people with large followings are still human beings.
They still breathe the same air as us, eat and drink like us. Why should we treat our neighbors differently? They may be doing something to help the world's problems, but some may think otherwise because celebrities are doing it silently.
The idea that a person has to post fanciful thoughts about an issue is irrational and overwhelming to that person. Each part of our society can delegate its knowledge of an issue to others. Each of our educations depends on whether we understand or not. Why would we expect someone else to tell us something when we are perfectly capable of finding the information ourselves?
While I do believe that people with large followings have an advantage over those without, expectations shouldn't force someone to do something that makes them uncomfortable.
Isadora Hamm, Staff Writer
Controlling public opinion is the privilege of a few individuals. People listen to those they respect in the midst of controversy, and celebrities have used their voices to amplify injustice for countless years. I think we should take advantage of that aptitude.
It's easy to highlight society's victories, but facing adversity in the public eye is a little more complicated. Celebrities have platforms with generous supporters, and this is a privilege, especially when trying to influence different people regarding conflicts.
Whether you're spreading awareness, showing support, uplifting victims, or amplifying donations, large numbers of followers are beneficial for any cause that needs representation.
Many celebrities feel connected to their viewers, expressing gratitude and sharing their gratitude for the luxurious lives they lead.
Writers, musicians, actors, activists, and countless other titles have reached a level of prominence that is considered stardom. And this immense diversity of icons influencing their fan bases makes it easy to speak out against corruption around the world.
This is invaluable for marginalized communities who don't have the voice they need to fight for the causes they believe in. Having a spokesperson with social power can encourage victims who have felt left out and discouraged to speak up.
If celebrities are cautious and considerate of their credibility, using their platforms to speak out against injustice can be a powerful force for positive change. I believe shining a light on important inequalities in public is an influential form of activism, and when done thoughtfully, it is a talent that public figures should harness.
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