A change.org online petition has been established asking President Biden to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mitsue Tsutsumi Endo. This petition was established by the Endo Presidential Medal of Freedom Committee. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award.
The petition reads:
“Tsutumi Endo, then just 22 years old, bravely challenged fellow Japanese Americans to be imprisoned in internment camps during World War II. Her sacrifice was not in vain: on December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court ordered Endo to imprison loyal Japanese Americans without cause. The Endo case played a key role in the closure of the concentration camps and the return of Japanese Americans to the West Coast in 1945 and 1946.
“On the 80th anniversary of Endo's decision, it is long past time to thank, appreciate, and honor Tsutsumi Endo. Her case is one of just four to the Supreme Court against the incarceration of Japanese Americans. In addition to being one of the contestants, Endo was the only female litigant and the only woman to win her case. Mr. Hirabayashi and Mr. Minoru Yasui have all received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Endo was as courageous, determined, and willing to fight injustice as those principled people. But , her cases are rarely cited and she is rarely recognized, perhaps because she was a woman.
“Endo's courage and conviction embody what it means to be a responsible American citizen. But she proved she could actually make a difference. In recognition of her tremendous contributions to civil liberties during one of America's darkest moments, we would like to posthumously honor Mitsuyoshi Endo to President Biden. Request that the Presidential Medal of Freedom be awarded.
“Her story is not just part of our history; it is also part of our current fight against injustice and discrimination. In honoring Endo, we are honoring the great personal sacrifice made.” , salutes all those who bravely stood up against injustice for, in her words, “the good of all.”
“Please sign this petition today and join us in celebrating the courage and dedication of Endo Tsutsumi Koei to justice!”
The Endo Presidential Medal of Freedom Committee is asking the public to sign the petition by April 15 at the latest. To sign the petition, visit www.change.org/p/recognize-mitye-endo-tsutumi-s-bravery-with-the. -Presidential Medal of Freedom.