TCoronation Sarah Milliken As Miss Alabama America's ugliest face has peeked out from under the rock. Milliken The win has sparked a range of opinions, but perhaps the most flattering is the comparison of her to plus-size actresses. Nicola Coughlan.
Milliken Her rise to fame after this week's win coincided with one of season 3's most controversial scenes. “The Bridgertons” hit Netflix The series includes Julia Quinn.
The book and series are set in a fictional England. regent In the third season, Penelope Featheringtonperformed by Cofranbecomes especially important in relation to her Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton.
The romance between the characters leads to a love scene. Cofran After posing nude, she received a variety of comments from both extremes. “Brave” By showing the world her beauty beyond the confines of television, she “unhealthy” Lifestyle, Nicola I've heard it all.
Similarities with Milliken
Milliken The victory caused controversy and great confusion among the general public. Sara Competed and won Miss America (NAM) State Contest, Miss USA or Miss America. South America Judges place more importance on qualities such as communication skills and confidence than on appearance.
The attack Milliken And the contests have increased across all platforms, especially social media. Milliken Don't let yourself be threatened, CofranShe did not hesitate to fight back against unjust hatred head on.
Both Plus Size Women Standing out in a field traditionally reserved for women who conform to Western beauty norms, the pair stand out for their talent and the way they have handled their sudden fame.
Sarah and Nicola's reaction
recently, Cofran She answered those who called her with good humor. “Brave” Her nudes are “The Bridgerton Family” He said this in an interview. “I think it's hard for women with my body type – women with perfect breasts – because we don't get to see ourselves fully on screen. I'm very proud to be part of the perfect breast community and I hope you all enjoy seeing them.”
MillikenShe, her Facebook account. “The things being said about me are really disgusting and I don't understand how people think it's okay to say such things.” lamented Miss Alabama.
“You can give up, hide your face and stop posting on social media.” Milliken Admitted. “But instead, look at me. Look at me giving back to my community, giving my all to nationals, and showing all the haters why a plus-size woman can and should be a titleholder.”
Sara Currently in preparation NAM National FinalsDate and time Thanksgiving weekend. Milliken We want to take another step towards promoting visibility and acceptance of beauty in all its forms.