Stars are not always the same we Because sometimes they go above and beyond to show their appreciation by leaving amazing tips. Although a tip of 18 to 20 percent is considered “normal,” some celebrities have developed a generous habit of tipping 100 percent or more when dining out.
For many celebrities, the decision to tip generously stems from their connections to or pasts in the service industry.when amy schumer I tipped $1,000 on a $77 bar tab while watching. hamilton For example, in March 2016, she told a bartender that she did it because she understood his struggle. “I've been there, I get it,” the New York native explained to the server at the time.
donnie wahlberg He is another example of a star who tips more often than necessary.for blue blood For the star, whose parents worked in the service industry, leaving a hefty tip is simply his way of giving back and showing his appreciation for others. “My mom waited tables and my dad kept the bar for years,” he wrote on Instagram in July 2017 after tipping a Waffle House waitress $2,000. explained. “So when I walk into #WaffleHouse and the staff treats me like a king, you better believe I'll treat them like a queen!”
A few days later, while enjoying dinner together, adele and james corden In the Caribbean, harry styles Continuing with the trend, we left the exact same tip on the trio's $473 bill.
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